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The origin of the founding SAMARINDA CITY
At the outbreak of war Gowa, Dutch forces under Admiral Speelman VOC led naval attacks from the sea of Makassar, while Sporting Palakka that receive aid from the Netherlands because he wanted to release the Bone from colonialism Sultan Hasanuddin (Gowa king) attacked from the mainland. Finally able to defeat the kingdom of Gowa and Sultan Hasanuddin was forced to sign an agreement known as Bungaya Agreement on November 18, 1667.

Some Wajo Bugis people of the kingdom of Gowa who would not submit and adhere to the agreement Bongaja, they still continue the struggle and the guerrilla insurgency against the Dutch and others fled to other islands of which there is a move to the area of Kutai Sultanate, namely the group led by Lamohang Mangkona Daeng (titled Pua Ado first). Arrival Wajo Bugis people of the Kingdom of Gowa was well received by the Sultan of Kutai.

Consent and agreement, by the King of Kutai entourage was given location around the village take the floor, a good low-lying areas to the business of Agriculture, Fisheries and Trade. In accordance with the agreement that the Bugis people of all interests Wajo must help the King of Kutai, especially in facing the enemy.

All of these groups chose the area around the estuary of the Coral Mumus (Selili regions across) but raises difficulties in this area because the areas that have current voyage round (berulak) with lots of dirt river. In addition to the background of the mountains (Mount Selili).

Samarinda Seberang
History of the opening of a village that became a big city, quoted from the Dutch-language book titled "Geschiedenis van Indonesie" bouquet de Graaf. NV.Uitg.WVHoeve book published, The Hague, in 1949 also talked of starting with the opening of Samarinda City township in Samarinda Seberang Poea led by Adi. Dutch binding agreement with the sultanate of Kutai more and more growth. In fact, gradually mastering the Dutch economy in this area. To develop trade activities, then the Dutch colony in Samarinda Seberang opened in 1730 or 62 years after Poea Adi build Samarinda Seberang. That's where the focus of Dutch trade. However, the development of Samarinda Seberang by the Netherlands also with the permission of the Sultan of Kutai, given the economic and defense interests of the community in the area. Moreover, the Dutch at that time also put the troops for war in this region so it ensures security for Kutaisi.

Samarinda continued to grow with the aging population who come from Java and Sulawesi in the past waku hundreds of years. Even up to the peak of independence in 1945 until the collapse of the Old Order is replaced by the New Order, Samarinda continued 'disatroni' migrants from outside Kalimantan. It was the Year 1966 is a transitional period of the Old Order to New Order. Circumstances it is still random and semberawut. Security problems of the people was assured by the formation of Civil Defence (Civil Defence), which replaces the OPR (People's Defense Organization). Defence supports the presence of police and army.

Although spelled forward in his day, significant changes began when the Mayor of Samarinda Kadrie Oening appointed and determined by the Minister of the Interior with No.Pemda Decree 7 / 67/14-239 dated November 8, 1967. He replaced Maj. Ngoedio who later served as high officials of government in Surabaya of East Java. Samarinda Municipality in 1950 is divided into three districts, namely Samarinda Ulu Subdistrict, Samarinda Ilir and Samarinda Seberang. The total area was only 167 km ². Then in 1960 the area was expanded to Samarinda 2727 sq km area including Palaran District, Sanga-Sanga, Java and Samboja Estuary. But lately, again there is a change. Only district of Samarinda City Exploration Overseas, Samarinda Ilir, and Samarinda Ulu.

Determination of the anniversary of SAMARINDA CITY
Wajo Bugis people are living in Samarinda at the beginning of the year 1668 or precisely in January 1668 that as a benchmark to determine the anniversary of the city of Samarinda. Local regulations have been set at the Municipal City of Samarinda Number: 1 of 1988 dated January 21, 1988, article 1 reads Day Samarinda decided on January 21, 1668 AD, coincided with the date of determination 5 Sha'ban 1078 H was conducted to coincide with the commemoration anniversary of the city of Samarinda to 320 on January 21, 1980. 21 Januari 1668 / 5 Ramadhan 1070 H: Arrival Bugis Wajo people establish a settlement at the mouth of Karang Mumus.

The establishment of the City Government of Samarinda
Formed and established on January 21, 1960, according to Emergency Law No. 3 In 1953, Official Gazette No. 97 Year 1953 on the Establishment of the regions Level II Districts / municipalities in East Kalimantan

Dati II Samarinda Municipality originally divided into three districts, namely Samarinda Ulu Subdistrict, Samarinda Ilir, and Samarinda Seberang. Then with the SK Provincial Governor of East Kalimantan Province No. I. 18/SK/TH-Pem/1969 and Decree No. 55/TH-Pem/SK/1969, starting on March 1, 1969, an administrative region Dati II Samarinda Municipality plus the four districts, namely Palaran District, Sanga-Sanga, Java and Samboja Estuary. Samarinda currently consists of six districts, not including the Sanga-Sanga, Java Muara and Samboja, all three signed the regency.

After PP No. 38 Years published in 1996, the administrative area of Dati II Samarinda Municipality experienced expansion, originally consisted of four districts into six districts, namely:
  • District of Samarinda Ilir with 13 wards,
  • District of North Samarinda with six villages,
  • District of Samarinda Ulu with eight villages,
  • District of Samarinda Seberang with eight villages
  • Kunjang River District with seven villages, and
  • District Palaran with five wards.
Subdistrict and village plans will be separated again with the proposed name of Samarinda City district, Southern district of Samarinda, sub-Speech, and Sungai Pinang subdistrict. These proposals are still under discussion Parliament Samarinda.

Under Regulation No. Samarinda. 1 Year 1988, dated January 21, 1988, Samarinda Anniversary set is dated January 21, 1668. This determination coincides with Memorial Day to Be Samarinda-320.

That's the HISTORY OF THE SAMARINDA CITY an Integral part Of EAST KALIMANTAN PROVINCE. May be useful for you. Thanks

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