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Suhom Waterfall

A. Brief Information
Nowadays – after the political conflict occuring in Aceh was over – Suhom Waterfall is frequently visited by tourists coming either local or international. The situation was different when the political concflict occurred in Aceh. It was rarely visited by tourists. For you who want to know more about the waterfall and surrounding area, you will be accompanied and guided by the local inhabitants during the visit.
B. Distinctive Features
It is situated in the middle of a forest offering the maginificent view of surrounding area. It is encircled by durian trees (Durio zibethinus), so it is likewise famous for numerous people selling durians during the harvest time of durians. Campground located next by the waterfall is a right place for you who want to experience the sensation of spending night in the location while enjoying the beauty and the magnificent of the nature.
The water flowing from the waterfall is functioned as the electricity generator in Krueng Kala Village. It is operated to distribute the electricity power to 200 families in Krueng Kala Village.
During the journey to the location from banda Aceh City, you will be offered the wonderful panoramic view of the pounding wave along the seaside. Moreover, mountanious areas standing in a row along the road is a distinction from other destinations that can only be found in the location.
C. Location
Suhom Waterfall lies in Suhom Village and Krueng Kala Village, Lhoong Sub-district, Aceh Besar District, Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Province, Indonesia.
D. Access
To reach the location, it will spend approximately an hour by public transportation via the route Banda Aceh – Calang (Aceh Jaya) passing by Lampuuk Beach, Lhoknga Beach and Leupung Sub-district.
E. Ticket Price
In the confirmation process
F. Accommodation and other Facilities
There is no lodgement or inn around the location. Therefore, you must carefully consider for spending night there. However, you can spend the night there by building tents around the location which has a right place for camping.

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