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Aceh is a region that is rich in arts and culture galibnya other parts of Indonesia. Aceh has a variety of unique cultural arts such as dance, and other cultures such as: Didong (from the community performing arts Gayo), Meuseukee Eungkot (a tradition in the area of West Aceh), Peusijeuk (or plain flour in the tradition of Malays).

Traditional Houses
aceh1Rumah rumoh-called traditional Acehnese house. This traditional house-type house with a stage 3 main sections and an additional section 1. Three main parts of Aceh is home sseuramoe keue (front porch), Seuramoe Teungoh (middle chamber) and Seuramoe likot (back porch). While the addition of 1 rumoh Dapu (home kitchen).

In some areas of Aceh Nanggroe Aceh Houses Darrussalam can we meet, especially in rural areas.

While in urban areas generally prefer the House with a more modern concept.

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