Stage house Lako seizures is home communities Bathin Clan, a tribe originating from the mountains west of the Bukit Barisan (West Sumatra). These tribal people hold fast to the noble values of its culture. Steadfastness in holding cultural values reflected in their loyalty to maintain the tradition inherited by their ancestors from generation to generation, such as houses on stilts to preserve Lako spasms that characterizes Bathin Marga society.
Home seizures by the Marga Lako Bathin typology constructed stage house building rectangular. The average size of the buildings built in the 9 mx 12 m by using a lot of wood grown Ulim in Jambi area. To assemble the timber in the home, community Marga Bathin traditional techniques rely on, such as engineering pedestal, connect the hook, and hooks using pegs.
The building houses on stilts Seizures Lako very beautiful with a wide range of decorative carved motifs characteristic of Jambi community. Motif carvings on the stage house was inspired by a variety of flora and fauna. For flora motifs include motifs BUNGO promontory (promontory of interest), mangosteen calyx, and Bungo orange (orange flower). Motif BUNGO Harbor masinding usually carved on the front wall, while the motive mangosteen calyx usually carved on the top of the entrance. For BUNGO orange motif carvings, carved on the outside of rasuk (belandar) house. Meanwhile, the motifs carved fauna / / only use only one motif carvings, namely fish motif. Fish motif carved on the sill (window) gaho and the back door across.
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