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Monument Thomas Parr is one of the historical attractions in the province of Bengkulu. Adjacent to Fort Marlborough is only about 170 m in the southeast. Obelisk-shaped monument with an area of 70 square meters and 13.5 meters high was built by the British government in 1808 to commemorate the resident Thomas Parr who died were killed by the people of Bengkulu.

Thomas Parr Memorial privilege can be viewed from two aspects, namely the physical aspects of buildings and historical aspects. Judging from its physical aspects, features Thomas Parr Monument can be seen from the uniqueness of the architecture. This obelisk-shaped monument berdenah terms and has 8 poles Corinthian style (such as a round timber that contains the meaning that the building looks solid and authoritative). The entrance is on the front and right and left side, perfectly curved and has no door. On one wall in the memorial hall there is an inscription, but at this point can not read anymore because it was damaged. The top of the monument has a dome-shaped roof.

The historical value attached to this monument is to remind people of Indonesia on the magnitude of the contribution of the people of Bengkulu in expelling the British colonizers of the archipelago. The monument is by the people of Bengkulu called Bulek Cemetery is a symbol of struggle and unity in defending the rights and ancestral lands kemerdekaaan of British colonial oppression.

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