The world's largest flower is found in many areas in Bengkulu forests, on the slopes of Bukit Barisan Mountains. The flower has a diameter of about one meter in full bloom. It has no visible root or stem, and no leaves. The weigth up to 7 kg, it takes the buds up to 8 months to mature. The flower stays in bloom from 1-15 days and can be seen during the months of September-December. Rafflesia Arnoldi is a big Flower in the worlds, if one visit Rejang Lebong, the Flower was stand at the City Center of CURUP as a monument, that is why, the people call Bengkulu is A LAND OF RAFFLESIA, or in Indonesian means BUMI RAFFLESIA, because in a certain seasons, if we are lucky, we can see a beautiful flower of Rafflesia, in the forest, which appear in periodic of 5 years or more.
Rafflesia is a lot of people are known arnoldii Rafflesia species. This type of forest only grows in the southern part of Sumatra, especially Bengkulu. One of the most excellent and easy to find this arnoldii Rafflesia flowers are in the woods along the road-Curup Bengkulu after Kepahyang. In Bengkulu own, Rafflesia flowers have been used as the main motive besurek batik (batik typical Bengkulu) since long.
The main characteristic that distinguishes Rafflesia flowers lay dead in the form of widening (not high) and red. When blooming, the flowers can reach a diameter of about 1 meter high and 50 cm. Rafflesia flower has no roots, stems, or leaves. The flowers have 5 crowns. At the bottom of the barrel-shaped flowers have flower or pistil extracts, depending on the sex of flowers. the existence of the pistil and stamens are not in one house to the percentage of assisted fertilization by insects fly very low, because not two different flowers growing in sex at the same time the nearby places. This rate of growth period takes up to 9 months, but the flowering period is only 5-7 days. After that Rafflesia will wither and die.
Rafflesia is a parasitic plant on vines Obligate (liana) tetrasigma and live in the roots like a rope. Until now Rafflesia never bred successfully outside their natural habitat and if the host tree roots or dead, Raflesia will die. Raflesia therefore require primary forest habitat to survive.
Little information, during the year 200an plants of the genus Rafflesiaceae difficult to be classified as characteristics of the body that are not public. Based on the DNA research by botanical experts at Harvard University recently, Rafflesia incorporated into the family Euphorbiaceae, a family with rubber trees and cassava. But this is still not well published.
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