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Siak Sri Indrapura is the center of a kingdom of Melayu Islam in the 20th century. Sultan Buahan establish the kingdom in the year 1725. He was the first sovereign in the family of the 12 sultans who ruled until the year 1945. In November 1945, the last sultan of Sultan Sharif Kasyim II contributed to the property to the struggle for independence. The last sultan to form a part of the Dutch establishment. Part of the Palace is decorated in European style.

Siak Sri Indrapura located 125 km northeast of Pekanbaru, built in 1889 by Sultan Abdul Jalil Syarifuddin. Palace holds a collection of properties from the last sultan. At the Palace, many gold-plated and kerajaanpun crown made of gold. And gold royal crown made of gold has been taken to the National Museum in Jakarta.

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