PONTIANAK - Supadio Airport Conditions considered less support efforts to develop the tourism sector in West Kalimantan. Because the existing facilities at the airport is very limited. According to DPD Chief Asita Kalbar Hefni when dialogue with Commission X group, yesterday. "The waiting room small plane and no longer suitable to the number of aircraft that come or go," he said.
If several aircraft leaving or arriving at the same time, the airport waiting room felt very cramped Supadio or solid. In addition, baggage service was also considered to be accelerated so that visitors do not have to wait long. Things like this thought quite influential in terms of service for tourists. Hefni hope airport conditions can be addressed. For that, the central government should intervene.
In addition to the airport conditions, problems Equator monument the iconic city of Pontianak was complain. According Hefni, Asita also often reaped criticism from various circles of Tugu Khatulistiwa.Tugu related conditions is necessary to set up and improved to better and more attractive to tourists. The problem, in addition to funding problems, efforts are also constrained the development of asset ownership. "It is our constraints in selling travel. Not to mention the problem of road infrastructure to tourist objects that have not been adequate," he said.
Chairman DPD PHRI Kalbar Edy Rashid also expressed similar things. According to Edy, soon to be held celebrations culmination point of the Sun at the Equator monument on March 23, 2009. This event assessed potential to attract tourists. Unfortunately, the condition of the monument is still alarming. "Part of land in that location is an asset that is where the Army's ammunition warehouse. Although warehousing activities are relatively inactive, but to liberate its land is still difficult," he said.
These problems have long experienced by the West Kalimantan. Governor of West Kalimantan has repeatedly changed. Pontianak Mayor also has several times changed but the issue remains unresolved. He hoped the Commission X can help fight the transfer of assets owned by the TNI to reform can be done maksimal.Ketua Commission X Irwan Prayitno said he would bring the aspirations that have been submitted to the central level. Aspiration is thought shows that there needs to be coordination across sectors and across departments in developing tourism, for example in airport improvements and the transfer of assets Equator monument. Related sectors are expected to be synergistic. (RNL)
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