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Su'ada Mosque or Masjid Al ba'angkat founded by Allama Sheikh H. Abbas and Sheikh Al Allama H.M. Said bin Al-Allamah Sheikh H. Sa'dudin on 28 Zulhijjah 1328 Hijri year 1908 along with AD is located in the village of Lower Wasah, Simpur, Upper South River a distance of ± 7 km from the city Kandangan. The mosque is built on the land owned by charitable Mirun Udin and Asmail bin Abdullah bin 1047.25 m² area.
[edit] Aristektur

Form the main building of the mosque su'ada square, three-story, has a goal to close the attic / puncah and petala / magnificent catastrophe. All that has particular significance as follows:

* The first level contains the meaning of Shari'a
* The second tier contains the meaning Tariqat
* The third level contains the meaning of Itself
* Attic meaning Ma'rifat
* Petala / magnificent catastrophe adorned with glittering branches of flowering and fruiting sdang symbolizes perfection Ma'rifat.

[edit] Events

Many events that happen as if a strange, irrational but real when will and mosques are under construction, such as a hurricane was blowing hard and exceptional rush that caused a huge tamarind tree was leaning at all would happen to the house [[| Sheikh HM Said | Al Allamah Shaykh H. M. Said]] (founder of the mosque Su'ada). Seen this scene, Al Allama was near the tree and pushed with the opposite direction, then with the help of Allah SWT powerful hurricane that turned the direction of the tamarind tree was uprooted and the selamatlah scholars.

Another incident which is one of the main pillars mosque about ± 10 cm long, so difficult for new building mosques. With the permission of Allah, the pole the next day becomes longer as needed. Other events, namely the middle way between Kalumpang and State, the group Al Allamah Shaykh H. M. Said running out of fish to eat, suddenly a big fish jumping into their boat and eventually they have fish to eat together. Another incident of the group at night in the boat could not sleep because kenyamukan, suddenly with the help of Allah SWT, the mosquitoes were gone, so the entourage of Sheikh Al Allama H. M. Said can sleep.

Now, Ba'angkat Mosque became one of cultural conservation and spiritual tourist attraction for local tourists.

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