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To enliven this year's celebration Sekaten, Sultanate Palace Ngayogyakarta historical object exhibitions held since the time of Sultan Hamengkubuwono Hamengkubuwono I to X in Pageleran Palace on 16 until next February 26, 2010.

In this exhibition, as many as five trains heritage palaces, the two presidential official car, a kris, various kerajian tardisional, shadow puppets, family tree, the cricket match tools and others exposed to the public. Only by paying the entrance fee of Rp 3 thousand, historical objects Yogyakarta Kingdom is starting at 17:00 until 22:00 pm.

Abdi Dalem Main Staff Ngayogyakarta Palace Hadingrat soldiering, Riyo Yoso Kanowo states, this exhibition is held regularly since then and is part of a series of celebrations Sekaten, as well as enliven the event until the closing ceremony later Sekaten with leather puppet Cultural night at the Palace.

"This exhibition displays the five railway heritage of the Kingdom of Kyai Garudayaksa or golden carriage, Kyai Winomoputro, Kyai Mondo Juwolo, Kyai Kyai Manikretno and Jatayu, it was an interesting addition to the official car adak Sultan HB IX, while serving as Vice President of Cadilac in 1964 and when Coordinating Minister for Economy to Ford in 1964, "he said at the Cultural Palace of Yogyakarta, Wednesday (24 / 2).

Riyo asserted, train or train Kyai golden Garudayaksa drawn by eight horses. This train is made Hermans & co in The Hague, Netherlands, in 1867-1869 and are used for the coronation of HB VIII, IX HB, and HB X. Kyai Winomoputro drawn by 6 horses used for service vehicles artificial crown prince Hermans & Co in 1950-1960 and used since the HB VI.

While Kyai Mondro Juwolo is shaped trains 'Kupe' the bonds which means the rim is made of brilliant light that was used 1810-1830 as the official vehicle of Prince Diponegoro as a trustee on HB administration V.

Whereas Kyai Jatayu made in Yogyakarta in 1925-1933 are designed by HB VIII and pulled by four horses without a driver for clean galdi soldiers and watched horse race in the race. Whereas Kyai Manikretno which means sweet artificial gems Hermans & co Hague in 1815 who pulled two horses, used during the reign of HB VI and V to cruise around the fort and palace. "Each train has its own history," he added.

Riyo added, in addition to the wealth of the vehicle carriage court, also on display used cars Sultan HB IX as a vice president. Visitors are also treated to the palace treasures exhibition in the Dutch colonial period, such as a rifle, various kris, and the sword.
"Visitors are not afraid or worried if you need any information about the exhibits that have been assigned Puraraksa KHP courtiers of 11 people to assist and supervise" he said.

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